Collin Stirling & Associates are committed to ensuring that our business is conducted with credibility, integrity and ethics, and in compliance with all relevant legislation. We are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in line with The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘The Act’) and have a zero-tolerance approach both within our own business and our supply chain. Modern Slavery is a violation of fundamental human rights and involves the recruitment, movement, harbouring or receiving of children, women or men for the purpose of exploitation.
Every employee is responsible for reading and complying with this policy and ensuring that any supplier they engage with has similar values and procedures in place.
We are committed to ensuring that both our own employees and candidates that we place, as well as suppliers that we engage with, all have the relevant right to work and are therefore protected by legislation and we do not employ or engage with anyone that would be considered a child worker.
We will only engage with clients and suppliers who offer the same level of protection to their own employees. Our suppliers are required to adhere to business standards which are in accordance with our own values and the ethical way in which we conduct business, as well as comply with all applicable legislation. They must not hold a person in slavery or servitude or require a person to perform any form of forced or compulsory labour, and must not arrange or facilitate the trafficking of any persons.
As part of our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking we have in place systems to:
- Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chain so these can then be mitigated and monitored
- Protect whistleblowers
- Ensure compliance with legislation both internally and across our supply chain through our internal compliance and HR teams, with full support from the company Board.